Thursday, October 30, 2008

interactive writing

Some critical attributes of interactive writing are that it must involve either teacher/student interaction and/or student/student interaction, as it is interactive; this is often done by the teacher literally writing with the student, but not correcting a previous writing with the result of discouraging or disapproving of the child. The teacher and the student together write something and correct it together as they go.
Some technology that can be used for this is that they can use a smart board to do their writing together, as opposed to using paper or a chalkboard. Also, they could type up the writing and use the various features found in programs like Microsoft Word to highlight parts of the text for different reasons (like the really strong parts, or the spelling errors). You could use a projector and show a powerpoint to introduce interactive writing or to present a student's finished writing project, including the interactive writing step.

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